剧情简介:五月号的《国家地理杂志》报导了印度孟买 (Mumbai) 的「城中之城」、号称亚洲最大的贫民窟达拉维 (Dharavi)。这块面积仅 2.5 平方公里的地方住着 100 万人,其中很多房子经常断水断电,卫生条件也很差劣。吊诡的是,达拉维就位于孟买的中央地区,旁边有两条铁路经过,正是这个印度商业金融之都的市中心黄金地段。而在达拉维的北面,便是所谓的「班德拉--喀尔拉商圈 (Bandra-Kurla Complex)」,即孟买的高级商业中心,还有一片红树林沼泽。
The Oscar-winning film "Slumdog Millionaire" put India's largest slum, Dharavi, on the map. Much more than a slum, this mini-city bustles with industry, culture and dreams. See the day-to-day activities and hear real-life accounts from its inhabitants, who have goals and aspirations -- people who are struggling to survive in a community that defies expectation.