剧情简介:23岁的茱莉以优异的成绩毕业,之後一直都只是做一些闲散的工作。她再也受不了,决定找一份真正的工作。在一次见工期间,她遇见了保罗。保罗只想靠自己的小聪明过活,只想活一天算一天。他怂恿茱莉与他一同到南部渡暑假。但遭茱莉拒绝,然後有日,在一时冲动下她放下一切去南部会他。本片以令人恐惧的手法描写年轻人如何面对经济的不景气。《有情饮水饱》属於法国实验电影中的自然主义类别,这类电影擅长於捕捉片中人物的情绪。导演伊莎贝萨尔卡以客观的角度描写企业世界中的人际关系,细腻地描写了一个充满理想的活泼年轻人每日所需要面对的妥协和屈辱。Julie Bataille, 23 years old, an A+ graduate, lots of casual work. She’s had enough. She’s looking for a real job. During a job interview, she crosses paths with Ben. He’s decided to live from day to day on his wits and petty crime. He proposes that she come and spend the summer with him in the south. Julie refuses, then, one day, on an impulse, she dumps everything and heads away to join him.A dreadful portrait of a youth confronted with the economic crisis, Living on Love Alone is part of the naturalist movement in the French experimental cinema that excels at capturing the moods of its characters. Through a clinical description of human relationship in the corporate world, Isabelle Czajka finely introduces the compromises and daily humiliations a peppy young idealist has to put up with..